
GM1 Gangliosidosis

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Based on clinical manifestations, three types have been described: type I or infantile form, type II or late-infantile/juvenile form, and type III or adult/chronic form but all are due to mutations in the same gene.  Only the infantile form has the typical cherry red spot in the macula but is present in only about 50% of infants.  The corneal clouding is due to intracellular accumulations of mucopolysaccharides in corneal epithelium and keratan sulfate in keratocytes.  Retinal ganglion cells also have accumulations of gangliosides.  Decreased acuity, nystagmus, strabismus and retinal hemorrhages have been described. 

Systemic Features: 

Infants with type I disease are usually hypotonic from birth but develop spasticity, psychomotor retardation, and hyperreflexia within 6 months.  Early death from cardiopulmonary disease or infection is common.  Hepatomegaly, coarse facial features, brachydactyly, and cardiomyopathy with valvular dysfunction are common.  Dermal melanocytosis has also been described in infants in a pattern some have called Mongolian spots.  Skeletal dysplasia is a feature and often leads to vertebral deformities and scoliosis.  The ears are often large and low-set, the nasal bridge is depressed, the tongue is enlarged and frontal bossing is often striking.  Hirsutism, coarse skin, short digits, and inguinal hernias are common.

The juvenile form, type II, has a later onset with psychomotor deterioration, seizures and skeletal changes apparent between 7 and 36 months and death in childhood.  Visceral involvement and cherry-red spots are usually not present. 

Type III, or adult form, is manifest later in the first decade or even sometime by the 4th decade.  Symptoms and signs are more localized.  Neurological signs are evident as dystonia or speech and gait difficulties.  Dementia, parkinsonian signs, and extrapyramidal disease are late features.  No hepatosplenomegaly, facial dysmorphism, or cherry red spots are present in most individuals. Lifespan may be normal in this type. 


This is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease secondary to a mutations in GLB1 (3p21.33).  It is allelic to Morquio B disease (MPS IVB) (253010).  The mutations in the beta-galactosidase-1 gene result in intracellular accumulation of GM1 ganglioside, keratan sulfate, and oligosaccharides.  The production of the enzyme varies among different mutations likely accounting for the clinical heterogeneity. 

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

There is no treatment that effectively alters the disease course. 

Article Title: 

Keratoconus Posticus Circumscriptus

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The posterior corneal surface has area(s) of excavation (indentation) associated with overlying opacification.  The lens-corneal separation is reduced and iridocorneal adhesions are often present.  The clinical picture has been described as ‘posterior conical cornea’ or posterior keratoconus.

Systemic Features: 

The neck is short and has webbing.  The facies appear ‘coarse’, the posterior hairline is low, the nose is prominent, digits are short, and the vertebral anomalies may lead to scoliosis.  Individuals are short of stature and brachydactyly is often present.  Developmental delays and mental retardation are usually features.  Other variable anomalies have been reported.


Autosomal recessive inheritance seems most likely in view of the family patterns.  Based on the few families reported, it is uncertain if this is a single entity with variable expression or a combination of disorders.  No gene or locus has been associated with this condition.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment beyond surgical repair of the cleft lip and palate or scoliosis is available.  Peripheral iridotomies have been done in the presence of shallow anterior chambers.

Article Title: 

Sorsby Macular Coloboma Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Macular colobomas, usually bilateral, are the major ocular feature of this oculoskeletal disorder.  These are non-progressive and are generally heavily pigmented.  Vision is, of course, severely reduced (20/200) and horizontal or pendular nystagmus is a feature in some cases.

Systemic Features: 

The systemic features are primarily skeletal.  Patients have short-limbed dwarfism and brachydactyly of the type B variety.  The thumbs and sometimes the large toes may be broad and bifid.  The distal two phalanges sometimes short, absent, or duplicated and the nails can be dysplastic or absent. Syndactyly of several digits in both hands and feet is common.  The ears are large and protuberant and some patients have deafness.  Oligodontia may be present.  Cartilage can have diastrophic changes.  Mental development is normal.


In the few families reported, the transmission pattern is vertical suggesting autosomal dominant inheritance but no mutation or locus has been reported.  The mutation causing brachydactyly type B1 was not present in several cases.

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

Surgical treatment of digital anomalies can be beneficial.  Low vision aids could be helpful as well.

Article Title: 

Carpenter Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

A variety of ocular anomalies have been reported in Carpenter syndrome with none being constant or characteristic.  The inner canthi are often spaced widely apart and many have epicanthal folds and a flat nasal bridge.  Other reported abnormalities are nystagmus, foveal hypoplasia, corneal malformations including microcornea, corneal opacity, and mild optic atrophy and features of pseudopapilledema.

Systemic Features: 

Premature synostosis involves numerous cranial sutures with the sagittal suture commonly involved causing acrocephaly (tower skull).  Asymmetry of the skull and a 'cloverleaf' deformity are often present.  The polydactyly is preaxial and some degree of syndactyly is common especially in the toes.  The digits are often short and may be missing phalanges.  Some patients are short in stature.  Structural brain defects may be widespread including atrophy of the cortex and cerebellar vermis.  Septal defects in the heart are found in about one-third of patients.  The ears can be low-set and preauricular pits may be seen.  Some but not all patients have obesity and a degree of mental retardation.


This is an autosomal recessive syndrome caused by a mutation in the RAB23 gene (6p12.1-q12).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment of the ocular defects is necessary in most cases. Craniectomy may be required in cases with severe synostosis.

Article Title: 

Carpenter syndrome

Hidestrand P, Vasconez H, Cottrill C. Carpenter syndrome. J Craniofac Surg. 2009 Jan;20(1):254-6.

PubMed ID: 

RAB23 mutations in Carpenter syndrome imply an unexpected role for hedgehog signaling in cranial-suture development and obesity

Jenkins D, Seelow D, Jehee FS, Perlyn CA, Alonso LG, Bueno DF, Donnai D, Josifova D, Mathijssen IM, Morton JE, Orstavik KH, Sweeney E, Wall SA, Marsh JL, Nurnberg P, Passos-Bueno MR, Wilkie AO. RAB23 mutations in Carpenter syndrome imply an unexpected role for hedgehog signaling in cranial-suture development and obesity. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Jun;80(6):1162-70. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Nov;81(5):1114. Josifiova, Dragana [corrected to Josifova, Dragana].

PubMed ID: 

Pfeiffer Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Patients may have extreme proptosis (95%) secondary to shallow orbits and exposure keratitis (41%) is a risk.  Hypertelorism, strabismus, and antimongoloid lid slants are common.  More rare signs include anterior chamber anomalies and optic nerve hypoplasia.

Systemic Features: 

Pfeiffer syndrome has been divided into 3 types, of which cases with types 2 and 3 often die young.  Type 1 has the more typical features with midface hypoplasia, broad thumbs and toes, craniosynostosis, and often some degree of syndactyly.  Adult patients with type 1 may be only mildly affected with some degree of midface hypoplasia and minor broadening of the first digits.  Hearing loss secondary to bony defects is relatively common.  Cleft palate is uncommon.  Airway malformations especially in the trachea can cause respiratory problems.


This is a genetically heterogeneous disorder resulting from mutations in at least 2 genes, FGFR1 (8p11.2-p11.1) and FGFR2 (10q26).  The less common cases with the latter mutation are allelic to Apert (101200), Crouzon (123500), and Jackson-Weiss (123150) syndromes.  Inheritance is autosomal dominant but some cases are only mildly affected.  New mutations exhibit a paternal age effect.

Other forms of craniosynostosis in which mutations in FGFR2 have been found are: Beare-Stevenson Syndrome (123790), and Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome (101400).

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

Exposure keratitis requires the usual treatment.  Fronto-orbital advancement surgery for the midface underdevelopment is generally helpful for the complications of proptosis.  Airway obstruction may require tracheostomy or surgical correction of the air passages.

Article Title: 

FGFR2 mutations in Pfeiffer syndrome

Lajeunie E, Ma HW, Bonaventure J, Munnich A, Le Merrer M, Renier D. FGFR2 mutations in Pfeiffer syndrome. Nat Genet. 1995 Feb;9(2):108.

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Vitreoretinopathy with Epiphyseal Dysplasia

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The axial length is relatively normal in this disorder.  The vitreous is described as highly disorganized but without membranes or the usual lamellar array.  Lattice degeneration may be seen in all quadrants and rhegmatogenous retinal detachments are a lifelong risk, occurring as early as the second decade of life.

Systemic Features: 

This is a unique type of type II collagenopathy with joint and vitreous disease.  Patients do not have the short stature or midface hypoplasia of Kniest dysplasia (156550) nor the optically empty vitreous of Stickler syndrome type I (609508, 108300) caused by mutations in the same gene.  The arthropathy secondary to the epiphyseal dysplasia is mainly in the fingers but some patients do have premature degenerative hip disease.  The fingers are described as ‘stubby’.


Mutations in the COL2A1 gene, important for collagen formation, cause various autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasias and some [Stickler type I (609508, 108300) syndrome and Kniest dysplasia (156550)] including this one exhibit vitreoretinopathy.  This is an example of allelic heterogeneity in which various alleles of COL2A1 cause clinically distinguishable phenotypes of bone and ocular disease.  Collagen II is found in cartilage and vitreous perhaps accounting for the associated clinical findings.

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

Retinal detachments, of course, require repair.  The lifelong risk of detachments requires monitoring.

Article Title: 

The phenotypic spectrum of COL2A1 mutations

Nishimura G, Haga N, Kitoh H, Tanaka Y, Sonoda T, Kitamura M, Shirahama S, Itoh T, Nakashima E, Ohashi H, Ikegawa S. The phenotypic spectrum of COL2A1 mutations. Hum Mutat. 2005 Jul;26(1):36-43.

PubMed ID: 

Weill-Marchesani Syndrome 1

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The Weill-Marchesani phenotype is a rare connective tissue disorder manifested by short stature, brachydactyly, spherophakia and stiff joints.   As many as 94% have spherophakia and 64% have dislocated lenses.  The central corneal thickness is increased.  The small, abnormally shaped lens can migrate anteriorly causing pupillary block glaucoma and sometimes dislocates into the anterior chamber.  This may occur spontaneously or following pharmacologic mydriasis which is sometimes done to relieve the pupillary block.

Systemic Features: 

Short stature in the range of 155 cm in height for men and 145 cm for women is common.  Brachydactyly and stiff joints prevent patients from making a tight fist.   A few patients (13%) have some mild mental deficit but most have normal intelligence.  Cardiac defects include patent ductus arteriosis, pulmonary stenosis, prolonged QT interval mitral valve stenosis, and mitral valve prolapse.  Some heterozygous carriers also are short in stature and may have joint stiffness.


Homozygous mutations in the ADAMTS10 gene (19p13.3-p13.2) cause this disorder.  Homozygous mutations in LTBP2 (14q24.3) have also been found in WMS1 and in the Weill-Marchesani-Like syndrome (613195).

Weill-Marchesani syndrome 2 (608328) is a clinically similar syndrome but results from heterozygous mutations in FBN1. Homozygous mutations in ADAMTS17 cause the Weill-Marchesani-Like syndrome (613195) .  It is not always possible to distinguish between the AR and AD forms of the disease using clinical criteria alone.


Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Dislocated lenses should be removed if they are interfering with vision or migrate into the anterior chamber.  A peripheral iridotomy should be considered in cases where pupillary block glaucoma occurs.  Long-term mydriasis is not recommended because of the risk of lens dislocation into the anterior chamber.  Chronic open angle glaucoma is a threat and life-long monitoring is recommended.  Measurements of the intraocular pressure should take the increased central corneal thickness into account.  Trabeculectomy should be considered when the pressure cannot be medically controlled.

Article Title: 

LTBP2 mutations cause Weill-Marchesani and Weill-Marchesani-like syndrome and affect disruptions in the extracellular matrix

Haji-Seyed-Javadi R, Jelodari-Mamaghani S, Paylakhi SH, Yazdani S, Nilforushan N, Fan JB, Klotzle B, Mahmoudi MJ, Ebrahimian MJ, Chelich N, Taghiabadi E, Kamyab K, Boileau C, Paisan-Ruiz C, Ronaghi M, Elahi E. LTBP2 mutations cause Weill-Marchesani and Weill-Marchesani-like syndrome and affect disruptions in the extracellular matrix. Hum Mutat. 2012 Apr 26. doi: 10.1002/humu.22105. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22539340.

PubMed ID: 

Clinical homogeneity and genetic heterogeneity in Weill-Marchesani syndrome

Faivre L, Dollfus H, Lyonnet S, Alembik Y, M?(c)garban?(c) A, Samples J, Gorlin RJ, Alswaid A, Feingold J, Le Merrer M, Munnich A, Cormier-Daire V. Clinical homogeneity and genetic heterogeneity in Weill-Marchesani syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2003 Dec 1;123A(2):204-7. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Peters-Plus Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Peters anomaly (306229) usually occurs as an isolated ocular malformation and is often unilateral.  However, in some patients with bilateral involvement it is part of a systemic syndrome or other congenital conditions such as chromosomal deletions and the fetal alcohol syndrome.  It is called Peters Plus syndrome in the condition described here because of the association of a specific combination of systemic features.

The ocular features are consistent with dysgenesis of the anterior chamber.  The clinical picture is highly variable but generally consists of iris adhesions to the cornea centrally (classical Peters anomaly), occasionally lenticular adhesions as well, and thinning of the central corneal stroma.  As a result, the cornea may become edematous, cataracts may develop, and glaucoma is common.

Systemic Features: 

Peters-plus syndrome consists of Peters anomaly plus various degrees of developmental delays and intellectual deficits, short digits and short stature, and cleft lip and palate.  The facies is said to be characteristic due to a prominent forehead, narrow palpebral fissures, and a cupid's bow-shaped upperlip. There may be preauricular pits present and the neck is often broad.  The ears may be prominent.  Congenital heart defects are present in a third of patients and a few have genitourinary anomalies.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder of glycosylation caused by a mutation in the B3GALTL gene on chromosome 13 (13q12.3).  At least some patients have a splicing mutation in this gene leading to a skipping of exon 8.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Treatment is directed at sight preservation by correcting the major ocular defects such as glaucoma and iridocorneal adhesions.  Corneal transplants and cataract removal are sometimes required.  Releasing the anterior synechiae can lead to significant clearing of the corneal edema.  Growth hormone replacement therapy may be beneficial.

Article Title: 

The Peters' plus syndrome: a review

Maillette de Buy Wenniger-Prick LJ, Hennekam RC. The Peters' plus syndrome: a review. Ann Genet. 2002 Apr-Jun;45(2):97-103. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Alagille Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The ocular findings in Alagille syndrome are often of little functional significance but can be sufficient to suggest the diagnosis without further study of the systemic features.  Posterior embryotoxon is found in 95% of individuals while iris abnormalities such as ectopic pupils are seen in 45%, abnormal fundus pigmentation is common (hypopigmentation in 57%, diffuse pigment speckling in 33%), and optic disc anomalies have been reported in 76%.  One study found that 90% of individuals have optic disk drusen by ultrasonography.  The anterior chamber anomalies are considered by some to be characteristic of Axenfeld anomaly.  The presence of these ocular findings in children with cholestasis should suggest Alagille syndrome.  Ocular examination of the parents can also be helpful in this autosomal dominant disorder as some of the same changes are present in one parent in more than a third of cases.

Systemic Features: 

A variety of  systemic features, some of them serious malformations, occur in Alagille syndrome.  Among the most common is a partial intrahepatic biliary atresia leading to cholestasis and jaundice.  Skeletal malformations include 'butterfly' vertebrae, shortened digits, short stature, a broad forehead, and a pointed chin.  The tip of the nose may appear bulbous.  These features have suggested to some that there is a characteristic facial dysmorphology.  Vascular malformations are common including aneurysms affecting major vessels, valvular insufficiency, coarctation of the aorta, and stenosis and these are often responsible for the most serious health problems.  In fact, vascular events have been reported to be responsible for mortality in 34% of one cohort.  Chronic renal insufficiency develops in a minority of patients.  This disorder should always be considered in children with cholestasis, especially when accompanied by cystic kidney disease.  Brain MRIs may show diffuse or focal hyperintensity of white matter even in the absence of hepatic encephalopathy.


This is an autosomal dominant condition secondary to various mutations in the JAG1 gene located on chromosome 20 (20p12).  Penetrance is nearly 100% but there is considerable variation in expression.  A far less common variant of this disorder, ALGS2 (610205), is caused by a mutation in the NOTCH2 gene (1p13-p11).

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

No cure is available but individual organ disease may be treatable.  The ocular abnormalities generally do not cause vision difficulties.

Reversible of white matter changes has been noted in a single child following liver transplantation.


Article Title: 

CT-defined phenotype of pulmonary artery

Rodriguez RM, Feinstein JA, Chan FP. CT-defined phenotype of pulmonary artery
stenoses in Alagille syndrome
. Pediatr Radiol. 2016 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print].

PubMed ID: 

Alagille syndrome: clinical and ocular pathognomonic features

El-Koofy NM, El-Mahdy R, Fahmy ME, El-Hennawy A, Farag MY, El-Karaksy HM. Alagille syndrome: clinical and ocular pathognomonic features. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2010 Jul 28. pii: 192165A5-8631-4C06-9C47-9AD63688B02A. [Epub ahead of print]

PubMed ID: 

Ocular abnormalities in Alagille syndrome

Hingorani M, Nischal KK, Davies A, Bentley C, Vivian A, Baker AJ, Mieli-Vergani G, Bird AC, Aclimandos WA. Ocular abnormalities in Alagille syndrome. Ophthalmology. 1999 Feb;106(2):330-7.

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