LTBP2 mutations cause Weill-Marchesani and Weill-Marchesani-like syndrome and affect disruptions in the extracellular matrix

Haji-Seyed-Javadi R, Jelodari-Mamaghani S, Paylakhi SH, Yazdani S, Nilforushan N, Fan JB, Klotzle B, Mahmoudi MJ, Ebrahimian MJ, Chelich N, Taghiabadi E, Kamyab K, Boileau C, Paisan-Ruiz C, Ronaghi M, Elahi E. LTBP2 mutations cause Weill-Marchesani and Weill-Marchesani-like syndrome and affect disruptions in the extracellular matrix. Hum Mutat. 2012 Apr 26. doi: 10.1002/humu.22105. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22539340.

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