autosomal recessive

Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome (MPS VI)

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Corneal clouding is the cardinal ocular feature and is often visible by 5 years of age.  Several adult patients have had glaucoma with both open and closed angles.  The mechanism is unknown.  Optic nerve compression or secondary edema can cause a relatively sudden loss of vision.

Systemic Features: 

The lysosomal accumulation of glycosaminoglycans is responsible for the widespread signs and symptoms found in this disease.  Bone destruction in shoulders, hips and skull is often seen by the second decade of life and may become evident later in the knees and spine.  Early growth may be normal but eventually slows resulting in short stature.  Dysplasia of bones comprising these joints leads to stiffness and restricted movement.  The face is dysmorphic with coarse features.  Bone dysplasia and facial dysmorphism may be seen at birth.  Myelopathy and even tetraplegia can result from vertebral compression.  Intelligence is often normal although more severely affected individuals may have some cognitive defects.  Hepatosplenomegaly is common and compromised respiratory function can result in reduced physical stamina.  The tongue is usually enlarged.  Accumulation of dermatan sulfate in heart valves may produce insufficiency or restriction of outflow.


MPS VI is a lysosomal storage disease inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.  The responsible mutations lie in ARSB (5q11-q13), the gene that encodes the enzyme arylsulfatase B.  The phenotype results from defective dermatan sulfate breakdown with lysosomal accumulation.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Enzyme replacement therapy with galsulfase (Naglazyme®) is beneficial in alleviating some of the manifestations of this disease.  Orthopedic surgery for specific deformities may be necessary.  Visually significant corneal opacification may require corneal transplantation.

Article Title: 

Threshold effect of urinary glycosaminoglycans and the walk test as indicators of disease progression in a survey of subjects with Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome)

Swiedler SJ, Beck M, Bajbouj M, Giugliani R, Schwartz I, Harmatz P, Wraith JE, Roberts J, Ketteridge D, Hopwood JJ, Guffon N, S?deg Miranda MC, Teles EL, Berger KI, Piscia-Nichols C. Threshold effect of urinary glycosaminoglycans and the walk test as indicators of disease progression in a survey of subjects with Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome). Am J Med Genet A. 2005 Apr 15;134A(2):144-50.

PubMed ID: 

Noonan Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Noonan syndrome has prominent anomalies of the periocular structures including downward-slanting lid fissures, hypertelorism, epicanthal folds, high upper eyelid crease, and some limitation of ocular mobility most commonly of the levator.  Ptosis and strabismus are present in nearly half of patients. Amblyopia has been found in one-third of patients and almost 10% have nystagmus.  Corneal nerves are prominent and a substantial number of individuals have optic nerve abnormalities including drusen, hypoplasia, colobomas and myelinated nerves.  Evidence of an anterior stromal dystrophy, cataracts, or panuveitis is seen in a minority of patients.  About 95% of patients have some ocular abnormalities.

Systemic Features: 

Patients are short in stature.  Birth weight and length may be normal but lymphedema is often present in newborns.  The neck is usually webbed (pterygium colli) and the ears low-set.  The sternum may be deformed.  Cardiac anomalies such as coarctation of the aorta, pulmonary valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and septal defects are present in more than half of patients.  Dysplasia of the pulmonic valve has been reported as well.  Thrombocytopenia and abnormal platelet function with abnormalities of coagulation factors are found in about 50% of cases resulting in easy bruising and prolonged bleeding.  Cryptorchidism is common in males.  Some patients have intellectual disabilities with speech and language problems.  Most have normal intelligence.   

Parents of affected children often have subtle signs of Noonan Syndrome.


This is an autosomal dominant disorder that can result from mutations in at least 8 genes.  Nearly half are caused by mutations in the PTPN11 gene (12q24.1) (163950).  Mutations in the SOS1 gene (2p22-p21) cause NS4 (610733) and account for 10-20% of cases, those in the RAF1 gene (3p25) causing NS5 (611553) for about the same proportion, and mutations in the KRAS gene (12p12.1) (NS3; 609942) cause about 1%.  Mutations in BRAF (7q34) causing NS7 (613706), NRAS (1p13.2) responsible for NS6 (613224), and MEK1 genes have also been implicated and it is likely that more mutations will be found.  The phenotype is similar in all individuals but with some variation in the frequency and severity of specific features.  New mutations are common. 

Several families with autosomal recessive inheritance (NS2) (605275) patterns have been reported with biallelic mutations in LZTR1.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

There is no treatment for most of the developmental problems but some patients benefit from special education. Cardiac surgery may be required in some cases to correct the developmental defects.  Bleeding problems can be treated with supplementation of the defective coagulation factor.  Growth hormone therapy can increase the growth velocity.

Article Title: 

Autosomal recessive Noonan syndrome associated with biallelic LZTR1 variants

Johnston JJ, van der Smagt JJ, Rosenfeld JA, Pagnamenta AT, Alswaid A, Baker EH, Blair E, Borck G, Brinkmann J, Craigen W, Dung VC, Emrick L, Everman DB, van Gassen KL, Gulsuner S, Harr MH, Jain M, Kuechler A, Leppig KA, McDonald-McGinn DM, Can NTB, Peleg A, Roeder ER, Rogers RC, Sagi-Dain L, Sapp JC, Schaffer AA, Schanze D, Stewart H, Taylor JC, Verbeek NE, Walkiewicz MA, Zackai EH, Zweier C; Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zenker M, Lee B, Biesecker LG. Autosomal recessive Noonan syndrome associated with biallelic LZTR1 variants. Genet Med. 2018 Oct;20(10):1175-1185.

PubMed ID: 

Update on turner and noonan syndromes

Chacko E, Graber E, Regelmann MO, Wallach E, Costin G, Rapaport R. Update on turner and noonan syndromes. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2012 Dec;41(4):713-34. Epub 2012 Sep 28.

PubMed ID: 

Morquio Syndrome (MPS IVB)

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Corneal clouding may not be seen until 10 years of age and is sometimes associated with photophobia.  The stroma has fine dust-like particles most dense centrally.  Penetrating keratoplasty is rarely indicated. There is little retinal degeneration unlike that often seen in other mucopolysaccharidoses but the corneal clouding often precludes detailed examination.

Systemic Features: 

This form of mucopolysaccharidosis is characterized by the urinary excretion of keratin sulfate.  Age of onset is highly variable but most children are diagnosed by 6 years of age.  It is a milder disease than the somewhat similar but genetically distinct Morquio type A (253000)  disorder.  Intelligence is normal and there is no central nervous system involvement.  Hip joints are dysplastic and frequently painful.  Vertebral malformations lead to kyphoscoliosis and short trunk dwarfism.  Odontoid hypoplasia can cause cervical instability and increases the risk of myelopathy with secondary bowel and bladder dysfunction.  Coxa valgum, and narrow phalanges are common.  Many individuals have a characteristic gait secondary to genu valgum.  Patients with MPS IVB initially do not have the coarse facies seen in some other forms of MPS.  Further accumulation of cellular keratin sulfate may lead to some coarsening of facial features, increased corneal clouding, and hepatomegaly.  Some form of hearing loss is common.


This is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by a mutation in the GLB1 gene (3p21.33) encoding beta-galactosidase.  It is allelic to GM1 gangliosidosis (230500).  Type A Morquio syndrome (253000) is a separate disorder secondary to a mutation in a different gene.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

A variety of treatments are under investigation including enzyme replacement, gene therapy, and bone marrow transplantation.  Supportive and palliative measures for respiratory difficulties and skeletal deformities can be used.  Atlantoaxial subluxation is a constant risk and some physicians recommend prophylactic vertebral fusion.  Intubation for general anesthesia carries special risks.

Article Title: 

Mucopolysaccharidoses and the eye

Ashworth JL, Biswas S, Wraith E, Lloyd IC. Mucopolysaccharidoses and the eye. Surv Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan-Feb;51(1):1-17. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Mutation analyses in 17 patients with deficiency in acid beta-galactosidase: three novel point mutations and high correlation of mutation W273L with Morquio disease type B

Paschke E, Milos I, Kreimer-Erlacher H, Hoefler G, Beck M, Hoeltzenbein M, Kleijer W, Levade T, Michelakakis H, Radeva B. Mutation analyses in 17 patients with deficiency in acid beta-galactosidase: three novel point mutations and high correlation of mutation W273L with Morquio disease type B. Hum Genet. 2001 Aug;109(2):159-66.

PubMed ID: 

Morquio Syndrome (MPS IVA)

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Corneal clouding in the form of fine deposits in the stroma is the major ocular manifestation but it may not be noted for several years after birth.  Penetrating keratoplasty is rarely needed.  Glaucoma occurs rarely.

Systemic Features: 

There is wide variation in the clinical disease in this disorder and some have grouped cases into severe, intermediate and mild categories.   Onset is about 2 years of age and three-quarters of patients are diagnosed by the age of 6 years.  Intelligence is usually normal and the central nervous system is spared similar to MPS IVB. However, the skeletal dysplasia can lead to neurologic complications.  In particular, odontoid hypoplasia raises the risk of atlantoaxial dislocation and spinal cord damage. The maxillary teeth are often abnormal with wide spacing and a flared appearance.  Truncal dwarfism is characteristic but the facies are often more fine-featured than in other mucopolysaccharidoses.  Lifespan is shortened in most patients.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from mutations in the GALNS gene (16q24.3) encoding galactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase.  Keratan sulfate and chondroitin-5-sulfate accumulates in lysosomes.  Urinary keratin sulfate excretion is increased.

A clinically similar disease, Morquio syndrome B (253010), is caused by a different mutation.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No specific treatment is available for this disease.  Some have recommended cervical spine fusion to stabilize the atlantoaxial joint. Orthopedic surgery may be indicated for joint and spine deformities.  Special precautions should be taken during intubation for general anesthesia.

Enzyme replacement therapies and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation techniques now being developed hold promise for more specific treatment for the underlying enzyme deficiencies in mucopolysaccharidoses.

Article Title: 

Mucopolysaccharidoses and the eye

Ashworth JL, Biswas S, Wraith E, Lloyd IC. Mucopolysaccharidoses and the eye. Surv Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan-Feb;51(1):1-17. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Niemann-Pick Disease, Types C1 (D)

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The predominant ocular sign in types C1 is difficulty in upgaze described as a supranuclear palsy.  Abnormal saccadic movements have been reported as well.  Retinal signs such as a cherry red spot are not common.

Systemic Features: 

Hepatosplenomegaly and cognitive decline are similar in nature to those found in Niemann-Pick disease types A and B.  Types C1 and C2 are clinically similar but discussed separately as they are caused by mutations in separate genes.  Type D is caused by the same mutation causing C1.  Onset of disease manifested by ataxia, seizures and spasticity is usually between 2 and 4 years.  Dystonia, intention tremor, dysarthria, and hepatosplenomegaly are other features but visceral involvement may be absent.  Ascites and jaundice are sometimes present.  Dementia and extrapyramidal signs are often seen later.  However, there is considerable variation in onset and progression of disease but the symptoms are generally milder than that in types A and B.


Type C1 (and D) are caused by mutations in the NPC1 gene (18q11-q12), and type C2 (607625) by mutations in the NPC2 gene (14q24.3).  Mutations in C1 are far more common (95%) than C2 mutations.  The gene mutations reduce the efficiency of sphingosine efflux from lysosomes and late endosomes as a result of a defect in esterification of cholesterol.

Types A (257200) and B (607616) Niemann-Pick disease generally cause more severe clinical signs and are the result of a sphingomyelinase deficiency.  All types of Niemann-Pick disease follow autosomal recessive patterns of inheritance.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

It has recently been reported that intrathecal 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin slows progression of clinical symptoms and prolonged lifespan.

Article Title: 

Intrathecal 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin decreases neurological disease progression in Niemann-Pick disease, type C1: a non-randomised, open-label, phase 1-2 trial

Ory DS, Ottinger EA, Farhat NY, King KA, Jiang X, Weissfeld L, Berry-Kravis E, Davidson CD, Bianconi S, Keener LA, Rao R, Soldatos A, Sidhu R, Walters KA, Xu X, Thurm A, Solomon B, Pavan WJ, Machielse BN, Kao M, Silber SA, McKew JC, Brewer CC, Vite CH, Walkley SU, Austin CP, Porter FD. Intrathecal 2-hydroxypropyl-v-cyclodextrin decreases neurological disease progression in Niemann-Pick disease, type C1: a non-randomised, open-label, phase 1-2 trial. Lancet. 2017 Aug 10. pii: S0140-6736(17)31465-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31465-4. [Epub ahead of print].

PubMed ID: 

Niemann-Pick disease type C

Vanier MT, Millat G. Niemann-Pick disease type C. Clin Genet. 2003 Oct;64(4):269-81. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Niemann-Pick Disease, Types A and B

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Affected infants usually develop prominent cherry red spots during the first 12 months of life and the entire retina has an ‘opaque’ appearance.  Intracellular lipid accumulation has been seen in retinal neurons, amacrine cells, retinal pigment epithelial cells, and receptors.  The cornea has stromal haziness.  The lens has a brownish coloration on the anterior surface with white spots on the posterior capsule.  Lens opacification seems to progress.

Vision in the first year of life is likely normal as infants have normal fixation, pupillary reactions, and following movements with no nystagmus.  However, by about 2 years of age visual responsiveness may be lost.

Systemic Features: 

Both the age of onset of neurological symptoms and the rate of progression are highly variable. Type A, known as the infantile form, is the more severe disease with onset by 6 months of age with rapid progression and few patients survive beyond three years of age.  Neonates seem to develop normally for the first 6 months but then become irritable, fail to thrive and feed poorly.  Hepatosplenomegaly is usually the first physical sign.  Hypotonia and pulmonary infections are common.  These patients never achieve normal developmental milestones such as sitting, walking or crawling and the neurodegeneration is relentless from this point with the median age at death 21 months, usually from respiratory disease.

The less severe form of Niemann-Pick disease, type B, has a later onset and slower course.  Such patients have widespread visceral disease affecting liver, spleen and lungs with hyperlipidemia but few neurologic symptoms and often survive into adulthood.  Mutations in the same gene are involved, however.  

Other rare cases have intermediate disease and some have proposed these be classified as types E and F but the phenotypes have not been well characterized.  The benefits of such a classification system are questionable as all result from mutations in the same gene simply illustrating the range in the clinical spectrum.

Sphingomyelin and other lipids accumulate in cells of various types including neurons and reticuloendothelial cells accounting for the hepatosplenomegaly and neurodegeneration.  Sphingomyelinase deficiency can be demonstrated in leukocytes and cultured fibroblasts.


This is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder resulting from homozygous mutations in SMPD1 (11p15.4-p15.1) encoding sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase-1.  This recessive gene has an unusual biology.  Only the maternally inherited allele is active in the homozygous condition.  Such parent-specific gene activation is called gene imprinting.

Types A and B are allelic disorders.  

Niemann-Pick diseases designated types C1 and D (257220) are caused by mutations in the NPC1 gene (18q11-q12) and type C2 (607625)  from mutations in the NPC2 gene (14q24.3).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Enzyme replacement therapy trials are underway.  Amniotic membrane, bone marrow, and stem cell transplantation have been tried with some improvement in visceral disease but the results are mixed and await further studies.

Article Title: 

Krabbe Disease

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Subtle cherry red spots have been reported in one patient.  More than half (53%) have abnormal VEP response but the ERG is normal.  Optic atrophy with blindness is not uncommon but the full ocular phenotype remains unknown.  A 6-month-old male child had MRI T2 evidence of intracranial optic nerve hypertrophy which was attributed to an accumulation of globoid cells.

Systemic Features: 

There is considerable variation in the time of onset and rate of progression in Krabbe disease, even within families.  Patients with infantile disease may present with symptoms at about 6 months of life, while others are not diagnosed until late childhood or adolescence.  Some evidence of psychomotor retardation is often the first sign of disease with ataxia and limb spasticity soon following.  Irritability is an early sign.  Neurophysiologic studies often show abnormal nerve conduction and this has been documented even in newborns.  The disorder is one of progressive neurodegeneration of both central and peripheral nervous systems leading to weakness, seizures and loss of protective reflexes.  The MRI may reveal T2 hyperintensity in cerebral and cerebellar white matter, internal capsules and pyramidal tracts.  Infection and respiratory failure are responsible for most deaths.

The life-span of Infants with Krabbe disease is approximately one year while those with late-onset disease may not develop symptoms until almost any age and the clinical course is highly variable.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder secondary to mutations in the GALC gene (14q31) encoding the enzyme galactosylceramidase, important in the growth and maintenance of myelin.

One patient has been reported with ‘atypical’ Krabbe disease (611722) secondary to a homozygous mutation in the PSAP gene (10q22.1).  The infant had a deficiency of saposin A as well as decreased galactocerebrosidase activity in white blood cells

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Normal blood galactocerebrosidase can be restored and CNS deterioration may be delayed or improved with transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells or umbilical cord blood.   However, some patients have residual language deficits and mild to severe delays in motor function.  Results are better if treatment is commenced during infancy before development of symptoms.  These treatments are experimental and long range outcomes remain uncertain.

Article Title: 

Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Nearly all patients (80+ %) have microphthalmia and bilateral congenital cataracts.  Microcornea is common.  The eyebrows may be hypoplastic and the eyelashes likewise are sparse.  The lid fissures often slant down and telecanthus has been noted.  The distance between the two eyes appears reduced.  Blue sclerae, nystagmus, strabismus, and glaucoma are present in 10 to 30% of patients.

Systemic Features: 

The facies are sometimes described as 'bird-like' with a beaked nose, brachycephaly, and micrognathia.  Microstomia with a shortened ramus and forward displacement of the termporomandibular joints is characteristic. Upper airway obstruction may occur with severe respiratory distress.  The forehead is relatively prominent, the palate is highly arched, and the teeth are often small and some may be missing with misalignment of others.  A few teeth may even be present at birth (natal teeth).  Children appear petite and are often short in stature.  Scalp hair is thin, especially in the frontal and occipital areas, and the skin is atrophic.  Developmental delays are common but most patients have normal or near-normal intelligence.


Most cases are sporadic but some have mutations in the GJA1 gene (6q21-q23.2).  Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance have been postulated.  Reproductive fitness may be low but rare affected individuals have had affected offspring.  Males and females are equally affected.

This disorder is allelic to oculodentodigital dysplasia (257850, 164200).

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Airway obstruction may require intervention and its risks must be considered during administration of general anesthesia.  Lens opacification may be severe even early in life and requires prompt surgical intervention to prevent amblyopia.

Article Title: 

Optic Atrophy 7

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

This is an early onset (4 to 6 years of age) optic atrophy in which acuity even at that age may be only 20/200.  Peripheral field constriction occurs late in contrast to its preservation in another autosomal recessive form of early onset optic atrophy, OPA6 (258500).  Atrophy of the optic nerve and loss of vision also occurs more slowly in the latter.

Systemic Features: 

Several individuals have had systemic disease consisting of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, MRI changes in the brain, and mild hearing loss but these may have been coincidental.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from a mutation in the TMEM126A gene (11q14.1-q21) encoding a mitochondrial protein.

A less severe form of autosomal recessive optic atrophy (OPA6; 258500) has been reported.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No effective treatment is available but low vision aids can be helpful in activities of daily living.

Article Title: 

Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The retina often has glistening white intraretinal dots which may be concentrated in the macula.  They have been found in 1 to 2 year old infants.  The macula may have ‘punched out’ lesions.  A pigmentary retinopathy is present in about 50% of patients and fluorescein angiography reveals a mottled hyperfluorescence. The cornea often has grayish stromal opacities that become vascularized, most commonly in the lower half.  Most patients have punctate keratitis resulting in marked photophobia.  Visual acuities can range from about 20/40 to finger counting.  The retinal changes may be progressive but EOG and ERG studies do not reveal abnormalities of retinal function.  VEPs though are often abnormal.  Ichthyosis may involve the lids and periorbital areas.

Systemic Features: 

The skin changes are present at birth and consist of an ichthyosiform erythroderma.  Hyperkeratosis is also present at birth and full blown ichthyosis develops during infancy.  The skin changes are most marked about the neck, flexion creases, and lower abdomen.  Scales in these areas are often darker than the surrounding skin.  Mental retardation may be mild to severe and spastic diplegia or quadriplegia is common but there is little evidence of progression.  There does not seem to be any correlation of age with the severity of neurological disease.


Mutations in the ALDH3A2 gene (17p11.2) are responsible for this autosomal recessive disorder resulting in a deficiency of fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase. This can lead to long-chain fatty alcohol accumulation as demonstrated in the brain with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

A form of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome with more severe neurologic signs is caused by recessive mutations in ELOVL4 (6p14,1),  Mutations in the same gene have been identified in patients with autosomal dominant Stargardt disease 3 (600110).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment is available for this disorder but moisturizing skin treatments can be beneficial.

Article Title: 


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