autosomal recessive

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease with Glaucoma

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Optic atrophy can be an ocular manifestation of CMT disease, especially in the X-linked forms, but this variant is the only one in which early-onset glaucoma is a feature.  It may begin at birth in some patients who have features of congenital glaucoma such as buphthalmos, while in other family members, including juveniles, only elevated intraocular pressures were reported.  Optic nerve damage seems to occur rapidly.

Systemic Features: 

This is a sensorineural disease of myelination that causes a polyneuropathy with muscular weakness and sensory deficits.  CMT4B2 is characterized by abnormal myelin sheath folding.  Symptoms of lower limb weakness and evidence of muscle atrophy commonly appear in the middle of the first decade with progression to upper limb involvement.  Areflexia follows with development of pes cavus and hammertoes.  Motor nerve conduction velocities may be severely reduced and muscle biopsies show severe loss of myelinated fibers and focal myelin sheath folding.


This seems to be an autosomal recessive disorder although only a few families have been reported.  Homozygous mutations in the SBF2 gene (sometimes called MTMR13) (11p15.4) were found in these CMT families with early-onset glaucoma (604563).  This gene codes for SET binding factor 2 important to the normal development of the trabecular meshwork.  Not all SBF2 mutations cause glaucoma though.  Of course, it is possible that the occurrence of glaucoma is incidental and not part of CMT4B2 at all.

A clinically similar neurological condition without glaucoma, CMT4B1 (601382), has been reported to be caused by a mutation in MTMR2 located at 11q22 (601382). 

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Little is known about the natural history of the glaucoma in this condition but it occurs early and severe visual loss seems to be common.  Early diagnosis and vigorous treatment are important.  The neurological disease requires a multidisciplinary approach with physical therapists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons and the use of prostheses.

Article Title: 

Mutations in MTMR13, a new pseudophosphatase homologue of MTMR2 and Sbf1, in two families with an autosomal recessive demyelinating form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease associated with early-onset glaucoma

Azzedine H, Bolino A, Taieb T, Birouk N, Di Duca M, Bouhouche A, Benamou S, Mrabet A, Hammadouche T, Chkili T, Gouider R, Ravazzolo R, Brice A, Laporte J, LeGuern E. Mutations in MTMR13, a new pseudophosphatase homologue of MTMR2 and Sbf1, in two families with an autosomal recessive demyelinating form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease associated with early-onset glaucoma. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 May;72(5):1141-53.

PubMed ID: 

Baller-Gerold Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The ocular features are a rather minor part of this syndrome and are found in less than a third of patients.  These primarily involve lids and adnexae with telecanthus, downslanting lid fissures, and epicanthal folds.  Some individuals have nystagmus while strabismus, blue sclerae, and ectropion have also been reported.

Systemic Features: 

The cardinal features of this syndrome are craniosynostosis and radial defects.  However, a large number of variable defects such as imperforate or anteriorly placed anus, rectovaginal fistula, absent thumbs, polydactyly, and mental retardation may also be present.  The radius may be completely absent or abnormally formed and occasionally the ulnar bone is involved as well.  Some patients have a conductive hearing loss.


This syndrome is caused by a mutation in the RECQL4 gene at 8q24.3 and seems to be an autosomal recessive disorder.  Its syndromal status as a unique syndrome is in some doubt because of considerable phenotypic overlap with other entities such as Roberts (268300) and Saethre-Chotzen (101400) syndromes.  The latter however is caused by a mutation in the TWIST1 gene and the former by mutations in the ESCO2 gene.

The same gene is mutated in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (268400) suggesting allelism of the two disorders.  The phenotype is vastly different in the two disorders however.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment is available.

Article Title: 

Carpenter Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

A variety of ocular anomalies have been reported in Carpenter syndrome with none being constant or characteristic.  The inner canthi are often spaced widely apart and many have epicanthal folds and a flat nasal bridge.  Other reported abnormalities are nystagmus, foveal hypoplasia, corneal malformations including microcornea, corneal opacity, and mild optic atrophy and features of pseudopapilledema.

Systemic Features: 

Premature synostosis involves numerous cranial sutures with the sagittal suture commonly involved causing acrocephaly (tower skull).  Asymmetry of the skull and a 'cloverleaf' deformity are often present.  The polydactyly is preaxial and some degree of syndactyly is common especially in the toes.  The digits are often short and may be missing phalanges.  Some patients are short in stature.  Structural brain defects may be widespread including atrophy of the cortex and cerebellar vermis.  Septal defects in the heart are found in about one-third of patients.  The ears can be low-set and preauricular pits may be seen.  Some but not all patients have obesity and a degree of mental retardation.


This is an autosomal recessive syndrome caused by a mutation in the RAB23 gene (6p12.1-q12).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment of the ocular defects is necessary in most cases. Craniectomy may be required in cases with severe synostosis.

Article Title: 

Carpenter syndrome

Hidestrand P, Vasconez H, Cottrill C. Carpenter syndrome. J Craniofac Surg. 2009 Jan;20(1):254-6.

PubMed ID: 

RAB23 mutations in Carpenter syndrome imply an unexpected role for hedgehog signaling in cranial-suture development and obesity

Jenkins D, Seelow D, Jehee FS, Perlyn CA, Alonso LG, Bueno DF, Donnai D, Josifova D, Mathijssen IM, Morton JE, Orstavik KH, Sweeney E, Wall SA, Marsh JL, Nurnberg P, Passos-Bueno MR, Wilkie AO. RAB23 mutations in Carpenter syndrome imply an unexpected role for hedgehog signaling in cranial-suture development and obesity. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Jun;80(6):1162-70. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Nov;81(5):1114. Josifiova, Dragana [corrected to Josifova, Dragana].

PubMed ID: 

Nanophthalmos Plus Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

This is a recently described type of nanophthalmos with characteristic clinical features plus retinal degeneration and optic disc drusen.  Hyperopia is common and, like another recessive form of nanophthalmos (267760), patients have a progressive retinal dystrophy beginning with granular and mottled RPE changes and progressing to a bone spicule pattern resembling retinitis pigmentosa.  No synechiae have been reported in this syndrome however.  Macular retinoschisis and cystic changes with reduced foveal reflexes are commonly present.  The anterior chamber and angles are narrow but no reported cases have had angle closure glaucoma such as frequently occurs in other forms of nanophthalmos (267760, 609549, 600165, 611897).  Drusen of the optic nerve head can be demonstrated by ultrasound.  Scleral and choroidal thickening are usually present.  There is progressive deterioration of photoreceptors beginning with rod dysfunction and eventually involving cones as documented on ERG recordings.  Nyctalopia and visual difficulties begin in childhood and the visual field is concentrically constricted.  Visual acuity is in the range of 20/100 to 20/200.

Systemic Features: 

No systemic abnormalities have been reported.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the membrane frizzled-related protein coding gene MFRP (11q23) expressed in retinal tissue.  Both homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations have been described.  It seems to be allelic to another nanophthalmos condition without retinal pigmentary degeneration which is caused by different mutations in MFRP (NNO2 609549).  However, there is considerable clinical overlap of the several nanophthalmos conditions and it is possible that this is simply clinical heterogeneity within the same disease.

A syndromic form (MCOP5) of autosomal recessive microphthalmia with retinitis pigmentosa (611040) is also caused by mutations in MFRP and may be the same disorder.

For other forms of nanophthalmos see:  267760, 609549, 600165, 611897.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Angle closure glaucoma is a constant threat in some nanophthalmic conditions but has not been reported in this disorder.  Nevertheless, it may be prudent to consider prophylactic iridotomies in high risk cases.

Article Title: 

Nanophthalmos with Retinopathy

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

This is a rare syndrome consisting of a pigmentary degeneration of the retina in association with nanophthalmos.  The globe is small with a thickened choroid and sclera and the macula becomes atrophic later in life. Some patients have cystic macular changes early without fluorescein leakage.  The anterior chamber is shallow, the angle is narrow, and the cornea may be small leading to angle closure glaucoma in most patients.  Extensive anterior and posterior synechiae can be seen.  The retina has a postequatorial bone spicule pattern of pigmentation with narrowing of arterial vessels.  Hyperopia is usually present and nightblindness may be noted in the first decade of life.  The ERG early shows loss of rod function and progression of the retinal disease subsequently leads to extinction of all rod and cone responses by midlife.  The EOG may be subnormal and visual fields are severely constricted.  Pallor and crowding of the optic nerve are common.  The vitreous may contain prominent fibrils and fine white granules.  Visual acuity is often 20/200 or worse.

Systemic Features: 

No systemic abnormalities have been reported.


This is likely an autosomal recessive disorder based on frequent parental consanguinity and sibships with multiple affected individuals of both sexes.  However, the first reported family in 1958 with 13 affected individuals in 4 generations suggested autosomal dominant inheritance. No molecular defect has been identified.

This may be the same disorder as microphthalmia with retinitis pigmentosa (611040) in which so far no molecular mutation has been identified. 

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Narrow angles with shallow anterior chamber depth should be treated with prophylactic iridotomies.

Article Title: 

Glaucoma, Congenital Primary B

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Type B congenital glaucoma is considerably more rare than type A and may be more common in Middle Eastern families.  Few families have been reported but the clinical features are similar: elevated intraocular pressure in infancy or early childhood, photophobia, and cloudy corneas (see Glaucoma, Congenital Primary A [231300] for a more complete description of the phenotype).

Systemic Features: 

No systemic abnormalities are associated.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in GLC3B mapped to a locus at 1p36.2-p36.1.  Type A congenital glaucoma (231300) is caused by a mutation in CYP1B1 and type D by mutations in LTBP2 (613086).  A locus at 14q24.3 has been asssociated with another form of congenital glaucoma (613085; type C) but the nature of the gene is unknown.  Mutations in TEK are responsible for congenital glaucoma type GLC3E.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

As in other types of congenital glaucoma, pressure control is difficult and the best approach entails some form of glaucoma surgical filtration.

Article Title: 

Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Juvenile cataracts are the primary ocular feature of this disorder and are found in virtually all patients.  These often cause the first symptoms and become evident in the first decade and almost always by the third decade of life.  Lens opacification may require extraction at that time and aspirated lens material may contain lipid-containing vacuoles.  However, some cataracts may not be diagnosed until the 5th or 6th decades after the onset of neurological symptoms, usually because the opacities are located in the peripheral cortex and do not cause visual symptoms. 

Optic atrophy occurs in nearly half of affected individuals.  Yellowish flakes resembling cholesterol crystals can sometimes be seen in the vitreous. The fundus may have scattered hard exudates and cholesterol-like deposits along the vascular arcades and arterioles show evidence of atherosclerosis.  RPE window defects are common.

Systemic Features: 

CTX has serious systemic neurologic signs and symptoms resulting from a deficiency of a mitochondrial enzyme, sterol 27-hydroxylase.  The result is reduced bile acid synthesis and increased levels of cholestanol in plasma, tissues, and CSF.  This results in a characteristic phenotype of tendon xanthomas, and neurological dysfunction including mental regression or illness, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, seizures, and pyramidal signs to various degrees.  Neonatal jaundice and diarrhea are common.


This autosomal recessive disorder results from a mutation in the CYP27A1 gene (2q33-qter) encoding sterol 27-hydroxylase.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

This is a treatable disorder in which administration of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) is beneficial.  This compound is virtually absent from bile in people with CTX.  Exogenous administration reduces high levels of cholesterol and cholestanol in the CSF, tissues, and plasma with improvement in mental function and signs of peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar dysfunction.  It is frequently given in combination with other HMG-CoA inhibitors such as pravastatin.  Early diagnosis and treatment are important.

Article Title: 

Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The skin and ocular pigmentary changes and the sensorineural hearing loss in type 4 Waardenburg syndrome resembles that of other types.  Patients, however, usually lack synophrys and dystopia canthorum.

Systemic Features: 

Type 4 Waardenburg syndrome is largely similar to other types except that many patients also have Hirschsprung disease.


Both autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance have been reported for type 4 Waardenburg syndrome.  Both heterozygous and homozygous mutations in the EDNRB (endothelin-B receptor) gene (13q22) occur in patients.  The aganglionic megacolon feature may be dose sensitive since homozygotes have been reported to have a 74% chance of developing Hirschsprung disease while only 21% of heterozygotes do so.

Types 4A (277580) and 4B (613265) are both caused by mutations in the EDNRB gene, and type 4C (613266) results from a mutation in the SOX10 gene.  Waardenburg syndrome WS2E is allelic to type 4C.  This is an example of genetic heterogeneity both within the main types and within the subtypes.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No ocular treatment is necessary but assistive hearing devices can be beneficial.

Article Title: 

Waardenburg syndrome

Read AP, Newton VE. Waardenburg syndrome. J Med Genet. 1997 Aug;34(8):656-65. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Glaucoma, Congenital Primary A

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

This may be the most common type of early (infantile, congenital) glaucoma.  Elevated intraocular pressure may be present at birth but sometimes is not evident until the first year of life or in some cases even later.  Irritability, photophobia, and epiphora are early signs.  The globe is often buphthalmic, the cornea is variably cloudy, and breaks in the Descemet membrane (Haab striae) may be present.  Frequently the iris root is inserted anteriorly in the region of the trabecular meshwork.  The anterior chamber often appears abnormally deep.  Early reports of a membrane covering the angle structures have not been confirmed histologically.  The mechanism causing elevated IOP seems to be excessive collagen tissue in the anterior chamber angle that impedes normal aqueous outflow.   The pressure is usually in the range of 25-35 mmHg but this is variable as the course can be intermittent.  It should be considered a bilateral disease although about one-fourth of patients have only unilateral elevations of pressure even though trabecular abnormalities are present.

Optic cupping may begin temporally but the more typical glaucomatous cupping eventually occurs.

Systemic Features: 

No consistent systemic abnormalities are associated with primary congenital glaucoma.  However, it is important to note that glaucoma is a feature of many congenital malformation syndromes and chromosomal aberrations.


Congenital glaucoma of this type can result from both homozygous (25%) and compound heterozygous mutations (56%) in the CYP1B1 gene on chromosome 2 (2p22-p21) which codes for cytochrome P4501B1.

Evidence from many sources suggests that congenital glaucoma of this type is an autosomal recessive disorder. Parental consanguinity is common, the segregation ratio is approximately 25%, and the occurrence of congenital glaucoma among all offspring of two affected parents can be cited as support for this mode of inheritance.  Many cases occur sporadically but this is consistent with expectations in small human sibships.  Curiously, though, males are affected more often than females.

Another autosomal recessive infantile (congenital) glaucoma (600975), GLC3 or type B, is caused by mutations in GLC3B located at 1p36.2-p36.1.  A third locus at 14q24.3 has also been proposed  for GLC3, type C.  Autosomal recessive primary congenital glaucoma (so-called) type D (613086) is caused by a mutation in LTBP2 located at 14q24 near the GLC3C locus and heterozygous mutations in TEK are responsible for type E (617272).

Other modes of inheritance have been described and, for now, this form of glaucoma, like others, has to be considered a genetically and clinically heterogeneous disorder pending additional genotyping.  Early onset glaucoma is also a feature of numerous malformation and chromosomal disorders.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Some of the usual glaucoma drugs are ineffective as a result of obstruction to aqueous flow through the trabecular meshwork so that surgical treatment is the therapy of choice in most cases.   Monitoring of axial length has been proposed as helpful in gauging the effectiveness of pressure control.  In some patients the pressure normalizes spontaneously. 

It is important in the evaluation of patients with glaucoma that systemic evaluations be done because of the frequent syndromal associations.

Article Title: 

Congenital glaucoma and CYP1B1: an old story revisited

Alsaif HS, Khan AO, Patel N, Alkuraya H, Hashem M, Abdulwahab F, Ibrahim N, Aldahmesh MA, Alkuraya FS. Congenital glaucoma and CYP1B1: an old story revisited. Hum Genet. 2018 Mar 19. doi: 10.1007/s00439-018-1878-z.

PubMed ID: 

External Ophthalmoplegia, POLG and mtDNA Mutations

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Progressive external ophthalmoplegia of these types is often associated with widespread neurological and muscle manifestations.  The ophthalmoplegia is adult in onset and frequently combined with exercise intolerance.  Significant lens opacities may be seen in early childhood but may not cause vision problems until early adulthood. Progressive ptosis is often an early and disabling sign.

Systemic Features: 

Facial muscles can be weak, generally in older individuals.  Some patients complain of dysphagia.  Sensoirneural hearing loss, dysarthria, and dysphonia are often associated.  Neurological symptoms include ataxia, sensory neuropathy, tremors, depression and symptoms of parkinsonism but these are variable.   Some patients experience rhabdomyolysis following alcohol consumption.  Dilated cardiomyopathy can be a part of the autosomal recessive form of this disease.

A possible subcategory of this disease is associated with hypogonadism evidenced by delayed sexual maturation, primary amenorrhea, early menopause and testicular atrophy.  Other features as described above may be associated.  Muscle biopsy shows ragged-red fibers with multiple mitochondrial deletions.


Progressive external ophthalmoplegia of the type described here is the result of mutations in the autosomal gene POLG combined with deletions in mitochondrial DNA.  POLG mutations account for 13-45% of patients with progressive external ophthalmoplegia who also have mitochondrial deletions.  The inheritance pattern in some families resembles the classical autosomal dominant pattern (PEOA1, 157640) whereas in others the pattern suggests autosomal recessive transmission (PEOB, 258450).  The autosomal defect is in the POLG gene at locus 15q25 which codes for the nuclear-encoded DNA polymerase-gamma gene.  The phenotype in the recessive disease tends to be more severe than in autosomal dominant cases. 

Other autosomal mutations with a less complex clinical picture associated with ophthalmoplegia are located in genes ANT1 (SLC25A4) (609283) at 4q35, and C10ORF2 (606075) at 10q24.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No effective treatment is available for the general disorder but consideration should be given to ptosis repair.

Article Title: 


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