Strømme Syndrome
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Stromme Syndrome: New Clinical Features Bayram Ali Dorum, Irmak Tanal Sambel, Hilal Ozkan, Irfan Kiristioglu, Nilgun Koksal APSP J Case Rep. 2017 Mar-Apr; 8(2): 14. Published online 2017 Mar 18.
Filges I, Bruder E, Brandal K, Meier S, Undlien DE, Waage TR, Hoesli I, Schubach M, de Beer T, Sheng Y, Hoeller S, Schulzke S, Rosby O, Miny P, Tercanli S, Oppedal T, Meyer P, Selmer KK, Stromme P. Stromme Syndrome is a Ciliary Disorder Caused by Mutations in CENPF. Hum Mutat. 2016 Jan 28. doi: 10.1002/humu.22960. [Epub ahead of print].
Castori M, Laino L, Briganti V, Pedace L, Zampini A, Marconi M, Grammatico B, Buffone E, Grammatico P. Jejunal atresia and anterior chamber anomalies: Further delineation of the Stromme syndrome. Eur J Med Genet. 2010 May-Jun;53(3):149-52.
van Bever Y, van Hest L, Wolfs R, Tibboel D, van den Hoonaard TL, Gischler SJ. Exclusion of a PAX6, FOXC1, PITX2, and MYCN mutation in another patient with apple peel intestinal atresia, ocular anomalies and microcephaly and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Feb 15;146A(4):500-4. Review.
Stromme P, Dahl E, Flage T, Stene-Johansen H. Apple peel intestinal atresia in siblings with ocular anomalies and microcephaly. Clin Genet. 1993 Oct;44(4):208-10.