
Corneal Dystrophy, Band-Shaped

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Symptoms of ocular irritation with tearing, conjunctival injection and decreased vision can be present at birth but more often is evident later in the first decade of life.  The band is located in the cornea in the palpebral fissure area in a horizontal pattern.  Apparently no other lesions are present in the eye.    

Systemic Features: 

None reported.


Only three families with familial, isolated band keratopathy have been reported.  These were described in the mid-twentieth century and it is possible that they had underlying ocular and corneal disease.  In one family 3 of 9 children, the product of a first-cousin mating, were affected consistent with autosomal recessive inheritance.  In two of these the keratopathy was first noted during puberty while it was present at birth in the third child.

 In another family the band keratopathy was seen in a brother and sister at 11 and 16 years old.

In the third family a father and son were affected.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Topically applied EDTA solutions are sometimes effective in removing lesions consisting of calcium deposits but this has not been reported to be effective in the hereditary form of band keratopathy. 

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Corneal Dystrophy, Gelatinous Drop-like

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

White, gelatinous deposits of amyloid are seen in the subepithelial region giving the surface of the cornea a multilobulated appearance resembling a mulberry.  These usually appear in the first decade of life and cause photophobia as well as tearing from irritation caused by a severe foreign body sensation.  The corneal changes are variable and some patients have only a mild amount of anterior stromal opacification while others have subepithelial vascularization.  Vision loss can be severe when the deposits coalesce to opacify the cornea.  These deposits are found in the subepithelial region but in some families it may also be found in the Bowman layer.   The appearance of fusiform deposits in the stroma in some patients has led some to categorize gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy as a lattice dystrophy and have designated it as type III.  GDLD seems to occur more commonly in Japan but often has a much later onset and the lattice appearance is more striking suggesting that it may be a unique form of corneal amyloidosis.  True GDLD, however, occurs in diverse ethnic groups throughout the US, Europe, Latin America, and the Asian subcontinent.  Cataracts have been reported in several young individuals with corneal amyloidosis.

Systemic Features: 

No systemic abnormalities occur as part of this syndrome.


Autosomal recessive corneal amyloidosis results from multiple mutations in the M1S1 (TACSTD2) gene located on chromosome 1 (1p32).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No satisfactory permanent treatment has been found.  Ablative treatments may give temporary relief from symptoms and improve vision but the deposits recur within a few years.

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