dilated cerebral ventricles

Spastic Paraplegia, Intellectual Disability, Nystagmus, and Obesity

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Patients have deep-set eyes with nystagmus, reduced vision, and often an esotropia perhaps secondary to hypermetropia.  In one of 3 reported patients the optic discs were described pale.

Systemic Features: 

Prominent foreheads are present at birth along with full cheeks and a prominent forehead.  Children grow rapidly in the first year eventually reaching the 90th percentiles in weight, height, and head circumference although neurologically they are developmentally delayed.  Speech and walking may be delayed as well.  While limbs have increased tone together with hyperreflexia, the trunk exhibits hypotonia.

Brain imaging reveals delayed myelination, dilated lateral ventricles, reduced while matter, and cerebral atrophy.


Heterozygous mutations in the KIDINS220 gene (2p25.1) have been identified in 3 unrelated patients.

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

No treatment has been reported.

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Article Title: 

Heterozygous KIDINS220/ARMS nonsense variants cause spastic paraplegia, intellectual disability, nystagmus, and obesity

Josifova DJ, Monroe GR, Tessadori F, de Graaff E, van der Zwaag B, Mehta SG; DDD Study., Harakalova M, Duran KJ, Savelberg SM, Nijman IJ, Jungbluth H, Hoogenraad CC, Bakkers J, Knoers NV, Firth HV, Beales PL, van Haaften G, van Haelst MM. Heterozygous KIDINS220/ARMS nonsense variants cause spastic paraplegia, intellectual disability, nystagmus, and obesity. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Jun 1;25(11):2158-2167.

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