Ayme-Gripp Syndrome
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Javadiyan S, Craig JE, Sharma S, Lower KM, Casey T, Haan E, Souzeau E, Burdon KP. Novel missense mutation in the bZIP transcription factor, MAF, associated with congenital cataract, developmental delay, seizures and hearing loss (Ayme-Gripp syndrome). BMC Med Genet. 2017 May 8;18(1):52.
Niceta M, Stellacci E, Gripp KW, Zampino G, Kousi M, Anselmi M, Traversa A, Ciolfi A, Stabley D, Bruselles A, Caputo V, Cecchetti S, Prudente S, Fiorenza MT, Boitani C, Philip N, Niyazov D, Leoni C, Nakane T, Keppler-Noreuil K, Braddock SR, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Palleschi A, Campeau PM, Lee BH, Pouponnot C, Stella L, Bocchinfuso G, Katsanis N, Sol-Church K, Tartaglia M. Mutations Impairing GSK3-Mediated MAF Phosphorylation Cause Cataract, Deafness, Intellectual Disability, Seizures, and a Down Syndrome-like Facies. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 May 7;96(5):816-25.
Keppler-Noreuil K, Welch J, Baker-Lange K. Syndrome of congenital cataracts, sensorineural deafness, Down syndrome-like facial appearance, short stature, and mental retardation: two additional cases. Am J Med Genet A. 2007 Nov 1;143A(21):2581-7.
Gripp KW, Nicholson L, Scott CI Jr. Apparently new syndrome of congenital cataracts, sensorineural deafness, Down syndrome-like facial appearance, short stature, and mental retardation. Am J Med Genet. 1996 Feb 2;61(4):382-6.