
Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation, Type Iq

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Colobomas (iris, choroid, and sometimes optic nerve), optic nerve hypoplasia and nystagmus have been reported.  Visual acuity is variable depending upon the degree of nerve hypoplasia. The eyebrows may be highly arched, while downward slanting lid fissures, and hypertelorism may also be present.

Congenital cataracts, glaucoma and microphthalmia have been reported in several individuals.

Systemic Features: 

Onset of symptoms commonly begins in infancy with severe hypotonia while developmental delays soon become evident as most children do not achieve normal milestones.  The amount of cognitive impairment is variable.  Congenital cardiac defects, ichthyosis, and hypertrichosis may be present.  The skin over the dorsum of the hands and feet often appears dark.  Ataxia is sometimes present and MRIs may reveal vermal and cerebellar hypoplasia.

Facial dysmorphism is common.  Low-set malformed ears, low hairline, depressed nasal bridge, redundant facial skin, decreased subcutaneous tissue, large mouth, thin lips, and long face have been noted.

There is considerable variation in clinical manifestations and longevity varies from infancy to adulthood.


This glycosylation disorder is one of a number of rare hepatic/intestinal disorders caused by a deficiency in N-oligosaccharide synthesis.  It is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern as a result of mutations in SRD5A3 (4q12).  Both homozygous and compound heterozygous genotypes have been reported.  It is allelic to Kahrizi syndrome (612713) with a number of overlapping features including ocular colobomas and cognitive deficiencies.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

The administration of caloric supplements through tube feeding may be required to maintain adequate nutrition.Orthopedic deformities can sometimes be corrected surgically.

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Article Title: 

A novel cerebello-ocular syndrome with abnormal glycosylation due to abnormalities in dolichol metabolism

Morava E, Wevers RA, Cantagrel V, Hoefsloot LH, Al-Gazali L, Schoots J, van Rooij A, Huijben K, van Ravenswaaij-Arts CM, Jongmans MC, Sykut-Cegielska J, Hoffmann GF, Bluemel P, Adamowicz M, van Reeuwijk J, Ng BG, Bergman JE, van Bokhoven H, Korner C, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Willemsen MA, Gleeson JG, Lehle L, de Brouwer AP, Lefeber DJ. A novel cerebello-ocular syndrome with abnormal glycosylation due to abnormalities in dolichol metabolism. Brain. 2010 Nov;133(11):3210-20.

PubMed ID: 

SRD5A3 is required for converting polyprenol to dolichol and is mutated in a congenital glycosylation disorder

Cantagrel V, Lefeber DJ, Ng BG, Guan Z, Silhavy JL, Bielas SL, Lehle L, Hombauer H, Adamowicz M, Swiezewska E, De Brouwer AP, Bl?omel P, Sykut-Cegielska J, Houliston S, Swistun D, Ali BR, Dobyns WB, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, van Bokhoven H, Wevers RA, Raetz CR, Freeze HH, Morava E, Al-Gazali L, Gleeson JG. SRD5A3 is required for converting polyprenol to dolichol and is mutated in a congenital glycosylation disorder. Cell. 2010 Jul 23;142(2):203-17.

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