developmental delays

Cleft Palate, Psychomotor Retardation, and Distinctive Facial Features

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The facial dysmorphism is present at birth together with the cleft palate.  Downslanting lid fissures, widely spaced eyes, and ptosis may be present.  Eyebrows have been described as sparse in one patient.  Strabismus and ocular apraxia are present in some children. 

Systemic Features: 

Three patients have been reported, one of whom also had a second deletion in a gene implicated in the Kabuki syndrome.  This individual had hypertrichosis and synophyrys whereas the others had sparse eyebrow and temporal hair.  The teeth are malformed with some conically shaped and widely spaced.  The forehead is prominent and the fingers are tapered and brachydactylous with 5th finger clinodactyly.

There are significant delays in achieving developmental milestones.  Hypotonia has been described.  Speech and walking in particular may be delayed for several years.   Physical growth may be delayed as well.  A variety of brain anomalies have been seen in some but not all individuals.  Hypospadius and cryptorchidism have been described.  All children reported have palatal anomalies.


Heterozygous mutations in the KDM1A gene have been identified in two patients.  In another report a single patient had an out-of-frame 3-nucleotide deletion in the ANKRD11 gene (as sometimes found in Kabuki syndrome) plus a mutation in the KDM1A gene. 

Autosomal dominant
Treatment Options: 

No treatment is known.

Article Title: 

Gene discovery for Mendelian conditions via social networking: de novo variants in KDM1A cause developmental delay and distinctive facial features

Chong JX, Yu JH, Lorentzen P, Park KM, Jamal SM, Tabor HK, Rauch A, Saenz MS, Boltshauser E, Patterson KE, Nickerson DA, Bamshad MJ. Gene discovery for Mendelian conditions via social networking: de novo variants in KDM1A cause developmental delay and distinctive facial features. Genet Med. 2015 Dec 10. doi: 10.1038/gim.2015.161. [Epub ahead of print].

PubMed ID: 

Retinal Dystrophy, Cataracts, and Short Stature

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Patients develop progressive night vision problems in the first decade of life.  However, central acuity remains in the 20/20 to 20/30 range at least through the second decade.  Cataracts are noted during this time period as well.  Visual field constriction is present.

Pigmentary retinopathy is present, especially in the posterior poles.  Macular mottling is evident at an early age with attenuation and narrowing of the retinal arterioles.  The pigmentary changes are salt-and-pepper in appearance but there are also areas of RPE atrophy with relative sparing of the fovea.  Pigment clumping in the shape of bone spicules has been observed in the periphery.  Full field ERGs show generalized rod-cone dysfunction with scotopic function more affected.  OCT examination reveals a disruption of the outer retinal layers from the parafoveal region into the periphery.

Systemic Features: 

Early childhood psychomotor delays are evident in early childhood by the lack of fine motor and coordination skills along with learning difficulties.  Patients have facial dysmorphism with hypoplasia of the ala nasae, upslanting palpebral fissures, and malar hypoplasia.  The teeth are widely spaced and there is malocclusion.  Short stature is characteristic (fifth percentile).


This disorder results from homozygosity of mutations in the RDH11 gene (14q24) encoding retinol dehydrogenase 11.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No treatment is available for this condition but patients may benefit from correction of the malocclusion, special education classes, cataract removal, and low vision aids.  Physical therapy may also be helpful.

Article Title: 

Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation, Type Ia

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Strabismus, roving eye movements (and nystagmus), and visual inattention are found in nearly all patients. Esotropia with defective abduction seems to be the most common oculomotor finding and may be present at birth.  Cataracts, ocular colobomas, oculomotor apraxia, disc pallor, and glaucoma have also been reported.  Vision is always subnormal. Reports of ocular disease before modern genotyping are not specific to the subtypes of CDG I now recognized.

This is a congenital, progressive disorder of photoreceptor degeneration with a later onset of progressive pigmentary retinopathy.  It is described in some cases as a typical retinitis pigmentosa.  The ERG is abnormal in all patients even if the pigmentary pattern is atypical for RP.  Rod responses are usually absent while the cone b-wave implicit time is delayed.  The degree of photoreceptor damage is variable, however.  Extended retinal function among younger patients suggest that the ‘on-pathway’ evolving synapses in the outer plexiform layer among photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and horizontal cells is severely dysfunctional.

Systemic Features: 

This is a multisystem disorder, often diagnosed in the neonatal period by the presence of severe encephalopathy with hypotonia, hyporeflexia, and poor feeding.  Failure to thrive, marked psychomotor retardation, delayed development, growth retardation, and ataxia become evident later in those who survive.  Cerebellar and brainstem atrophy with a peripheral neuropathy can be demonstrated during late childhood.  Some older patients have a milder disease, often with muscle atrophy and skeletal deformities such as kyphoscoliosis and a fusiform appearance of the digits.  Maldistribution of subcutaneous tissue is often seen resulting in some dysmorphism, especially of the face.  Hypogonadism and enlargement of the labia majora are commonly present.  Some patients have evidence of hepatic and cardiac dysfunction which together with severe infections are responsible for a 20% mortality rate in the first year of life.


This is one of a group of genetically (and clinically) heterogeneous autosomal recessive conditions caused by gene mutations that result in enzymatic defects in the synthesis and processing of oligosaccharides onto glycoproteins. This type (Ia) is the most common.   The mutation lies in the PMM2 gene (16p13.2).

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Most children require tube feeding with nutritional supplements.  The risk of systemic infections is high.  Those patients who survive into the second decade and beyond may require orthopedic procedures and are confined to wheelchairs.  Physical, occupational, and speech therapy along with parental support are important.

Article Title: 

Microphthalmia, Syndromic 7

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Microphthalmia and rarely clinical anophthalmia are the ocular hallmarks of this disorder.  Corneal leukomas and some degree of sclerocornea are usually present as well.  Orbital cysts have been observed.  Other less consistent findings include iridocorneal adhesions, glaucoma, microcornea, cataracts, aniridia, persistence of the anterior hyaloid artery and other vitreous opacities, and patchy hypopigmentation of the RPE.

Systemic Features: 

The skin on the nose, cheeks and neck has linear red rashes and scar-like lesions.  Biopsy of these has revealed smooth muscle hemartomata rather than simple dermal aplasia.  There may be some healing of the skin defects.  The corpus callosum is sometimes absent.  Diaphragmatic hernias are often present.  Cardiac abnormalities include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and septal defects.   Preauricular pits and hearing loss have been found in some patients.  Patients may be short in stature and some have nail dysplasia.  GU and GI anomalies may be present.


This is an X-linked dominant disorder with lethality in the hemizygous male.  Many patients (79%) have interstitial deletions of the Xp22.2 region of the X chromosome.  Sequence analysis of this region has revealed heterozygous point mutations in the HCCS gene (Xp22.2) in numerous other patients.  In several additional cases deleterious mutations have been found in the X-linked COX7B gene.  However, familial occurrence is uncommon.  X chromosome inactivation may be skewed with the abnormal X being inactive in virtually all cases. Several 46 XX males with this syndrome have been described.

Goltz syndrome (305600), also called focal dermal hypoplasia, may have similar skin and ocular findings but the limb anomalies are not found in the disorder described here.  Goltz syndrome (305600) is the result of mutations in PORCN at another locus on the X chromosome and is thus unrelated.

Other X-linked dominant disorders with lethality in hemizygous males and abnormalities in skin and the eye are Incontinentia pigmenti (308300) and Aicardi syndrome (304050).  The skin lesions and ocular anomalies are dissimilar to those in MLS and they often have far more severe CNS abnormalities.   Further, the mutation causing Aicardi is in the NEMO (IKBKG) gene at another location on the X chromosome.

X-linked dominant, mother affected
Treatment Options: 

Treatment is organ-specific with repair of septal defects and diaphragmatic hernias.  Progressive orbital prosthetics should be considered in patients with blind, microphthalmic and clinically anophthalmic eyes.

Article Title: 

Microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome in a mosaic female infant with monosomy for the Xp22 region: molecular analysis of the Xp22 breakpoint and the X-inactivation pattern

Ogata T, Wakui K, Muroya K, Ohashi H, Matsuo N, Brown DM, Ishii T, Fukushima Y. Microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome in a mosaic female infant with monosomy for the Xp22 region: molecular analysis of the Xp22 breakpoint and the X-inactivation pattern. Hum Genet. 1998 Jul;103(1):51-6. Review.

PubMed ID: 

Hunter Syndrome (MPS II)

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Corneal clouding may be noted as early as 6 months of age but is usually absent. When present it is milder than in some other forms of mucopolysaccharidosis.  A pigmentary retinopathy with variable severity is often present.  The disc may be elevated and appears swollen.  Secondary optic atrophy may be seen in long standing cases.

Systemic Features: 

Mild to severe developmental delays are common and mental retardation has been reported in some cases.  There is often 'pebbling' of the skin over the neck and chest.  Joint stiffness, short stature, and skeletal deformities are common.   Many have short necks, a protuberant abdomen, a broad chest, and facial coarseness.  Hepatosplenomegaly, hearing loss, hernias, and carpal tunnel syndrome are often present.  The skull is large with a J-shaped sella, the vertebral bodies are hypoplastic anteriorly, the pelvis and femoral heads are hypoplastic and the diaphyses are expanded.

A severe form, type A, has its onset in the first two to four years of life, with more rapid progression and death commonly by adolescence.  Many patients have obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure.  The IDS deficiency is similar to that of type B which is less severe and compatible with life into the 7th decade.  Intelligence is often normal in type B.


Hunter syndrome, or MPS II, is one of seven lysosomal enzyme deficiencies responsible for the degradation of mucopolysaccharides, and the only one known to be X-linked (Xq28).  The mutation in IDS leads to a deficiency of iduronate sulfatase resulting in accumulation of dermatan and heparin sulfate.  Rare affected females may have chromosomal deletions instead of a simple mutation in IDS.

X-linked recessive, carrier mother
X-linked recessive, father affected
Treatment Options: 

Various therapies are under development including enzyme replacement, gene transfers, and bone marrow transplantation.  Human iduronate-2-sulfatase (Idursulfase) has been used with encouraging signs but it is too early to determine the long term effectiveness.

Article Title: 

Cohen Syndrome

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Patients have early onset night blindness with defective dark adaptation and corresponding ERG abnormalities.  Visual fields are constricted peripherally and central visual acuity is variably reduced.  A pigmentary retinopathy is often associated with a bull’s eye maculopathy. The retinopathy is progressive as is high myopia.  The eyebrows and eyelashes are long and thick and the eyelids are highly arched and often ‘wave-shaped’.  Congenital ptosis, optic atrophy, and ectopia lentis have also been reported.

Systemic Features: 

Affected individuals have a characteristic facial dysmorphism in which ocular features play a role.  They have a low hairline, a prominent nasal root, and a short philtrum.  The tip of the nose appears bulbous. The head circumference is usually normal at birth but lags behind in growth so that older individuals appear microcephalic.  Delays in developmental milestones are noticeable in the first year of life.  Mild to moderate mental retardation is characteristic but does not progress.  Hypotonia is common early, and many individuals are short in stature.  Low white counts and frank neutropenia are often seen and some patients have frequent infections, especially of the oral mucosa and the respiratory tract.  A cheerful disposition is said to be characteristic.


This is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in the COH1 (VPS13B) gene on chromosome 8 (8q22-q23).  However, a variety of mutations have been reported including deletions and missense substitutions and, since these are scattered throughout the gene, complete sequencing is necessary before a negative result can be confirmed.

There is evidence of significant clinical heterogeneity between cohorts descended from different founder mutations.

Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

Corrective lenses for myopia can be helpful.  For patients with sufficient vision, low vision aids can be helpful.  Selected individuals may benefit from vocational and speech therapy.  Infections should be treated promptly.

Article Title: 

Cohen syndrome is caused by mutations in a novel gene, COH1, encoding a transmembrane protein with a presumed role in vesicle-mediated sorting and intracellular protein transport

Kolehmainen J, Black GC, Saarinen A, Chandler K, Clayton-Smith J, Traskelin AL, Perveen R, Kivitie-Kallio S, Norio R, Warburg M, Fryns JP, de la Chapelle A, Lehesjoki AE. Cohen syndrome is caused by mutations in a novel gene, COH1, encoding a transmembrane protein with a presumed role in vesicle-mediated sorting and intracellular protein transport. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Jun;72(6):1359-69.

PubMed ID: 
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