Retinal Nonattachment, Congenital

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

The common denominator in this condition is, of course, congenital nonattachment of the retina.  Many eyes are small as well.  Some patients in addition have a vascularized hyperplastic vitreous and often present with blindness and a congenital leukocoria.  Many at some stage have lens opacification, as well as glaucoma and anterior chamber anomalies including anterior synechiae and some degree of corneal opacification.  These signs are often progressive beginning in childhood.  Pendular nystagmus and esotropia are common.  MRI studies reveal optic nerves and the chiasm that are either absent or abnormally small.

Systemic Features: 

This condition is nonsyndromic and has no systemic abnormalities.


Congenital retinal nonattachment consists of a group of sometimes familial conditions for which no responsible gene has been identified.  In a genomic study of 21 consanguineous NCRNA Pakistani families 3 had mutations in ATOH7 and 10 had mutations in familial exudative vitreoretinopathy genes.  Genotyping did not reveal associated mutations in the remaining 38% of these families. It is likely that multiple entities are represented but until the molecular etiologies are identified, no more specific classification is possible.

Studies in mice document that the Atoh7 gene is important to retinal ganglion cell neurogenesis.  In humans, both autosomal recessive PHPV and congenital nonattachment of the retina are associated with microsatellite linkage and haplotype matching to a region at 10q21 adjacent to the ATOH7 gene but so far no causative mutation has been found in this region.  However, studies in large consanguineous kindreds in which a deleted DNA segment adjacent to ATOH7 segregated with the NCRNA phenotype suggest that a transcription regulator may be at fault in the timing and level of ATOH7 expression.

The disorder known as persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is generally not considered hereditary since it usually occurs unilaterally and sporadically.  It is sometimes found in association with a number of syndromal conditions as well.  However, it has also been reported in familial patterns consistent with both autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant patterns.  DNA mapping of individuals with bilateral disease found in a consanguineous Pakistani kindred with presumed autosomal recessive disease suggests that a locus at 10q11-q21 may be responsible.

Evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous comes from rare families with an apparent vertical transmission of the condition.

Congenital nonattachment of the retina is also seen in the osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome (250770).  However, this is a syndromal disorder with neurologic and joint disease in addition to porotic, thin, fragile bones (sometimes called the ocular form of osteogenesis imperfecta) resulting from mutations in LRP5 on chromosome 11.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

With rare exceptions, the retina cannot be reattached successfully and phthisis with blindness is the usual outcome.

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Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous

Clinical Characteristics
Ocular Features: 

Persistence and hyperplasia of the embryonic vitreous in most individuals results in significant ocular morbidity.  It results from a transcription factor deficiency in retinal ganglion cells which in turn negatively impacts development of the retinal vasculature.  As a consequence, the fetal hyaloid vasculature fails to regress and its persistence leads to a retrolental mass.

PHPV usually occurs unilaterally and affected eyes are generally blind from birth. Leukocoria secondary to the presence of a retrolental fibrovascular stalk is easily visible.  Nystagmus is frequently present and some patients have microphthalmos. The anterior segment may also be involved as evidenced by the presence of peripheral anterior synechiae, corneal opacities, cataracts, and glaucoma.  Contracture of the retrolental tissue In the posterior chamber results in the ciliary processes being pulled centrally and can lead to hemorrhage and retinal detachment. 

The clinical manifestations can make it difficult to distinguish from Norrie disease.

Systemic Features: 

No consistent systemic signs have been reported in PHPV individuals.


The majority of PHPV cases occur sporadically, but families with transmission patterns compatible with both autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant patterns have been reported.

A six-generation family has been reported in which affected members had homozygous mutations in ATOH7 (10q21.3).  Based on mouse studies, this gene is expressed in the developing optic cup at the time that coincides with retinal ganglion cell formation.  Mice with absence of functioning Atoh7 lack retinal ganglion cells and optic nerves and develop PHPV.

A single family with presumed bilateral PHPV in 3 generations in a pattern consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance has been reported (611308).  However, no genotyping was reported and only the proband and his father had ophthalmologic examinations.

Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
Treatment Options: 

No medical or surgical treatment is effective.  The majority of individuals have no light perception.

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